For this week’s blog post I wanted to step away from the usual boutique post and talk about something on everyone’s mind…2018 goals!

Before I opened Boutique Elise, I had a two year stint as a high school teacher where I taught College & Career Readiness. As I sat down to seriously evaluate my goals this new year; personally & professionally, the first thing that popped into my mind was something we would always tell the students; set SMART goals! 

S – specific

M – measurable

A – attainable 

R – realistic

T – time-bound

Often times we get discouraged when trying to achieve our goals because they are either unrealistic, we aren’t specific enough, or we have no clue when we actually achieved the goal. Now, I’m definitely not going to go into my whole lesson plan because let’s be honest, that would be really boring, but, I figured if I found this information helpful someone else might too.

One of our goals for 2018 is to get a little more personal. We are going to start asking a “question of the week” on our social media pages which will double as a giveaway. These questions will range anywhere from, “what are your goals/resolutions for 2018,” to “what spring trends do you want to see at the boutique this season.” Answer the question on our social media post and you’ll be entered to win a prize! This week's question is located on the "2018 goals" Facebook & Instagram posts. Comment on the post for your chance to win $10 in boutique bucks! Check back each week for a new question.

We are so grateful to have a community of customers like you in our lives. We wish you success in all of your goals for 2018!


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